function() { if (!validateNotBlank("efDate", "Date")) return false; return true; } function () { if (isRecordNew()) { if (getCtrlValue("efDate") == "") return false; } return true; } function (scanText) { setCtrlValue("efDate", scanText); msgBeep(sys.MsgBoxTypeQuestion); }
Taiwan Japan Gizzard U75 75/125 126/175 176/225 226/285 286/325 326/375 375+ TAN BRUISED BKN 75/125 BKN 126+ Gizzard function () { if (isRecordNew()) { return false; } return true; } function() { if (!validateNotBlank("efBarcode", "Barcode")) return false; if (!validateNotBlank("cbGrade", "Grade")) return false; if (!validateNotBlank("cbSize", "Darn size")) return false; if (!isFieldUnique("efBarcode", "Barcode")) return false; if (frmObj.lastSize != null) { if (getCtrlValue("cbSize") != frmObj.lastSize) { var reply = msgBox("Size does not match previous record, would you like to continue to save this record?", "Size changed", sys.MsgBoxTypeWarning, sys.MsgBoxOptionYesNo); if (reply != sys.MsgBoxResponseYes) { frmObj.curRecId = 0; refreshScreen(); return false; } } } if (frmObj.lastGrade != null) { if (getCtrlValue("cbGrade") != frmObj.lastGrade) { var reply = msgBox("Grade does not match previous record, would you like to continue to save this record?", "Size changed", sys.MsgBoxTypeWarning, sys.MsgBoxOptionYesNo); if (reply != sys.MsgBoxResponseYes) { frmObj.curRecId = 0; refreshScreen(); return false; } } } frmObj.lastSize = getCtrlValue("cbSize"); frmObj.lastGrade = getCtrlValue("cbGrade"); return true; } function (scanText) { if (scanText.substring(0, 3) == "GR_") { // Because starts with a "GR_" we say it is a Grade. // Strip the "GR_" and put the balance into cbGrade. var str = scanText.substring(3, scanText.length); //msgBox(str); setCtrlValue("cbGrade", str); msgBeep(sys.MsgBoxTypeQuestion); return; } if (scanText.substring(0, 3) == "SZ_") { // Because starts with a "SZ_" we say it is a Size. // Strip the "SZ_" and put the balance into cbSize. var str = scanText.substring(3, scanText.length); //msgBox(str); setCtrlValue("cbSize", str); msgBeep(sys.MsgBoxTypeQuestion); return; } if (!validateAndSave()) { msgBeep(sys.MsgBoxTypeWarning); return; } var rs = db.openRecordset("SELECT * FROM Item WHERE DF1='" + scanText + "'"); var ri = rs.openIterator(); if (!ri.recordExists) { msgBox("Failed to find record."); msgBeep(sys.MsgBoxTypeWarning); return; } var headerRef = ri.valueOf("OutwardRef"); var soundDone = false; if (headerRef != null) { if(headerRef != frmObj.curHeaderRecId) { msgBox("Record already shipped in another batch."); msgBeep(sys.MsgBoxTypeWarning); return; } else { msgBox("Record already scanned."); msgBeep(sys.MsgBoxTypeWarning); soundDone = true; } } if (!moveRecord("efBarcode", scanText)) { msgBox("Failed to findRecord"); msgBeep(sys.MsgBoxTypeWarning); return; } if (!soundDone) msgBeep(sys.MsgBoxTypeQuestion); } function () { var dte =; dte.setFullYear(dte.getFullYear(), 0, 1); return stru.padLeft((dteu.daysSince(dte) + 1).toString() + dte.getFullYear().toString().substr(2), '0', 5); } function () { setCtrlEnabled("efBarcode", isRecordNew()); setCtrlEnabled("pbBarcode", isRecordNew()); if (getCtrlValue("efDDDYY") == "") setCtrlValue("efDDDYY", getDDDYY()); } function (strButtonName) { switch (strButtonName) { case "pbBarcode": { if (!isRecordNew()) return; onGotScan(null, null, getCtrlValue("efBarcode")); break; } case "pbDateTimeInward": { var fld = getFieldForCtrl("efDateTimeInward"); var dte = frmObj.form.value.valueOf(fld); dte = frmDateTimeEdit.editDateTime(dte, frmObj.form); setCtrlValue("efDateTimeInward", dte); break; } } }